Communauté de partage de Snap, Skype, Twitter et Instagram coquin
Homme - Hétéro - 25 ans
Nickname: unmandeparis Age: 20 Gender: Male insta; unmandeparis TikTok; unmandeparis Mail; (please only contact me on my network, I do not receive text messages) Height: 1m95 Eye color: black glass Hair: long black brown and curlyBody: between muscular and athletic Activities: sport, video games, culture, finance My DMs are: Open and on request Personality: calm and relaxed but I can be a little more spicy Location: France, Paris region (Paris and surrounding areas) Relationship: Single Orientation: Straight 1000% erotic photos: I don't send them but I like to receive them Actual: Yes massages date confidant loves hug sex (from the softest to B.D.S.M, including classic, it's up to you to choose) possibility of building a friendship true gentleman make you happy listening restores confidence satisfy you without any other limits Envoyer des commentaires Panneaux latéraux Historique Enregistrées Contribuer
Homme - Hétéro - 21 ans
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Femme - Hétéro - 18 ans
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Homme - Gay - 19 ans
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